The following morning, we set out to visit Blenheim Palace. As usual, Paula was driving and I was the navigator. Having already taken a couple of successful day trips, I was feeling confident and relaxed about finding our way. That is, until I missed the turnoff for the M4, one of the largest highways in England, and instead of heading north toward the castle, we wound up south of Bath. Although it wasn’t entirely my fault (the signs and roundabouts can be very confusing), Paula fired me immediately. Of course, by the afternoon, I was rehired. What else was she going to do? She needed a navigator and I needed a ride!
A couple hours later, we reached Blenheim Palace, home of the Duke of Marlborough …
… and birthplace of Winston Churchill (in the bedroom shown below).
There was a section displaying information about Churchill’s career and some of his clothing, including a pair of slippers.
We saw one room after another ornately decorated in various colors. There was the beige and gold room …
the red room …
and the green room.
I suppose it helps when you live in a palace to have different colored rooms. That way, you don’t get lost. There was also a massive library …
and a private chapel.
Outside was a lovely garden.
After the palace, we explored part of the Cotswolds — an area of rolling hills dotted with small villages. The buildings are primarily built of stone and include historical sites, stately homes and thatched roof cottages.
Paula wanted to buy one, of course. All in all, it was a great day! Time for dinner and drinks. Tomorrow, it’s off to York …